Multicultural discourse awareness is an ideology whose time has not only come, but appropriate for
inclusion in the English language curriculum. The world has become a global village, punctuated by exodus
of immigrants from one place to the other in search of meaning in life. The essence of an inclusive and
accommodative culturally embracive curriculum is a hallmark for recognizing and embracing cultural
pluralism. Being able to envisage multicultural education dispensation, fostering equity, while on the hand
combating prejudice, discrimination, or biases towards the predominant culture is essential for learning.
This study traced the discourse of multicultural awareness in the English language curriculum of Eswatini.
The view is that despite teachers being subconsciously aware of the diversity of students in the language
classrooms of Eswatini, an awareness of a culturally embracive curriculum would yield a better
understanding of appropriate multicultural pedagogy practices. Using document analysis, the study
analyzed both the English language curriculum and the 2021-2023 syllabus for Eswatini General Certificate
of Secondary Education (EGCSE), diagnosing the extent to which these materials assist the language
teacher in recognizing and implementing the principles of multicultural education. The findings of the study
revealed that while there were no specific discourses of multiculturalism in both the curriculum and syllabus,
there were traces of Human Rights topics in the textbook but without reference to multicultural language
education and awareness. These findings are essential for establishing a multicultural language education
framework for Eswatini.
KEYWORDS: Multicultural education, diversity, assimilation, discourse, curriculum.